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EQuiP updates

Dear​ ​National Colleges and Colleagues

​We hope you are well. ​Here are three major EQuiP updates from the past couple of months:​

#1 ​New EQuiP website​ -​ http://equip.woncaeurope.org/
European Society for Quality and Safety in Family Practice ​(​EQuiP​)​ is one of WONCA Europe’s network organisations.

The aim of EQuiP is to contribute to the achievement of high levels of quality and safety of care for patients in general practice in all European countries.

Quality and safety in general practice is ​seen and understood as ​a continuous process of planned activities based on performance review and setting of explicit targets for good clinical practice with the aim of improving the actual quality and safety of patient care​.​​

[box]To do:​ Please update ​the EQuiP contact information on all relevant communication platforms.[/box]

#2 ​EQuiP WONCA Europe 2017 Dublin ​ePDF​
​The successful and fruitful EQuiP-ICGP Dublin Conference in March 2017 on Patient Safety had 114 dedicated participants from 24 countries. In order to communicate all abstracts, presentations, videos, photos, posters, statements, and take-home-messages in an interactive, comprehensive and user-friendly way, the Dublin ePDF was prioritised and produced.

Please download the​ free​ ​Dublin ​ePDF ​(and more) and access ​it ​via Adobe Reader for optimal use:
http://equip.woncaeurope.org/tools/equip-epdfs​ ​

​[box]  To do: Please share this tool with your colleagues, leaders, members, teachers, researchers etc.​[/box]

“This is very clever. More conferences should do this! I am happy to have my presentation shared” (Niall Maguire, Ireland)

“Wow. Fabulous!!!!!! What a lot of hard work has gone into this” (Julie Price, Head of Risk Management and Education Consultancy)

“What a great way to document the conference! I am very impressed! I might even borrow your concept for out national conference next time” (Eva Arvidsson, Swedish EQuiP delegate)

“The presentations look great and I am delighted to be a part of it. Congratulations. It looks really good!” (Suzanne Creed, Clinical Risk and Education Manager)

​#3 ​EQuiP WONCA Europe 2017 Dublin Declaration​: “Patients should have access to safe, equitable, affordable and high-quality health care services in Europe!​”​

WONCA Europe, representing family doctors from 44 Member Organisations across Europe, states:
“There can never be absolute certainty for safety in healthcare. However, there is a need to​ ​continuously strive to improve safety for patients due to the complexity of healthcare in general​ ​practice in primary health care, and in transitions between primary care and other health services​. Healthy doctors are needed for safe care​.​”
​ ​
​Read more: http://equip.woncaeurope.org/news/equip-wonca-europe-2017-dublin-declaration

​[box]To do: Please share the news about the Declaration in the media in the shape of a press release[/box]

For inspiration, please consult the ICGP press release: https://www.icgp.ie/index.cfm?spPath=about/policies_statements/2017/C335F594-99BF-6682-C4C74058CFF58398.html

With best wishes,

Ulrik Bak Kirk | EQuiP Manager
Tel: (+45) 28 86 48 63 |equip.we@gmail.com |equip.woncaeurope.org/
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