The Delhi Declaration: Alma Ata revisited

We, the delegates at the 15th WONCA World Rural Health Conference call on the international community to reaffirm the principles of the Declaration of Alma-Ata. We call on the United Nations, its specialized agencies and national governments to continue to strive to achieve the goals set 40 years ago. The Declaration of Alma-Ata defined health …

KOMENTAR: dr. John Wynn-Jones, predsjednik Radne skupine za ruralnu medicinu WONCA World

PRIJEDLOZI ZA KVALITETNIJU OPĆU/OBITELJSKU MEDICINU NA 5. KONGRESU KOHOM-A U ŠIBENIKU, 22.-25.5.2014. DR. JOHN WYNN-JONES KOMENTIRAO JE KVALITETU OPĆE/OBITELJSKE MEDICINE U HRVATSKOJ izvor: “Zdravstvena zaštita u okviru obiteljske medicine troškovno je najučinkovitija i najviše usmjerena na pacijenta” Impresioniran sam visokom kvalitetom hrvatskih liječnika opće i obiteljske medicine koje sam imao priliku upoznati tijekom svog boravka u …

Research course – Zagreb

Dear colleagues, Barbara Starfield has already proved in her works the importance of the primary health care, especially of the family medicine. States with well organised family medicine have lower health care costs, better health indicators and higher satisfaction of the patients. At this moment, regardless of the publicly expressed views and supporting World Health …

Proslava dana obiteljskih liječnika na Mljetu

KoHOM i udruga Promjena ove godine su ovako obilježili Međunarodni dan obiteljskih liječnika koji se obilježava 19.05.2013. ———– KoHOM and CHANGE, Family Medicine doctor society, celebrated the International Day of Family Physicians, which is marked 19.05.2013. Posebna čestitka svim obiteljskim liječnicima. Ines Balint predsjednica KoHOMa i IO   About World Family Doctors’ Day WONCA declared World …

Službeni časopis WONCA Europe

Dear colleague, As you know, the European Journal of General Practice (EJGP) is the official journal of WONCA Europe. The EJGP is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal for general practice/family medicine, established in 1995 and published online and in print with 4 issues per year. The journal is indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded, Current …

The Vasco da Gama Movement at WONCA Europe 2012

by Harris Lygidakis The WONCA Europe Conference constitutes an annual meeting occasion for the Vasco da Gama Movement, the European working group for trainees and junior General Practitioners / Family Physicians (GPs/FPs). The mission of our network is to extend the knowledge of General Practice / Family Medicine (GP/FM) in a European perspective and to …

WONCA: O EURIPI u službenom biltenu travanj 2012

Pročitajte bilten WONCA, April 2012 EURIPA 3rd Rural Health Forum Education and Training for Rural Practice to be held from May 11-13, 2012 will now be held at the Island of Pag, Croatia. The EURIPA annual European Rural Health Forum had been planned for Northern Portugal but unfortunately due to circumstances beyond the control of …

Izvješće s godišnjeg zasjedanja odbora WICC-a

( WONCA International Classiffication Commitee ) Barcelona, 3-7.listopad 2011. Ines Zelić Baričević i doc. Marija Vrca Botica su kao predstavnice Hrvatske boravile na godišnjem okupljanju WICC-a ( WONCA International Classiffication Commitee ) u Barceloni, 3-7.10.2011. WICC postoji od 1972. i bavi se klasifikacijama bolesti, razloga dolazaka i procesa zaštite (postupaka ) u tijeku konzultacije u …

“KoHOM jedinstveno kandidira: Mario Malnar, za prvog dopredsjednika Hrvatske liječničke komore!

IZVJEŠĆE SA SASTANKA VIJEĆA KoHOM-a u VUKOVARU, 04.06.2011. Kao prvo, želimo se zahvaliti svim prisutnim kolegicama i kolegama koji su svojim prisustvom i radom doprinijeli izrazu poštovanja prema Gradu heroju – Vukovaru! Da se ne zaboravi! Također, želimo zahvaliti i našim domaćinima, dr Jadranki Ban te posebno dr Vesni Bosanac koja je u nedjeljno jutro …

WONCA newsletter: osvrt na KoHOM aktivnosti

Croatian Family Physicians Coordination (KOHOM) Dr Mario Malnar and Dr Renata Pavlov wrote that KOHOM “is very pleased by WONCA Council initiative to create World Family Doctor Day. We strongly support the idea and believe that it will help recognition of importance of family doctors”. “Therefore, we are happy to inform you that we will …


Wonca is an acronym for the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians, or World Organization of Family Doctors for short. Wonca Europe is the European regional branch of Wonca. It has more than 40 member organisations and represents more than 45.000 family physicians in Europe. Wonca Europe has …